Hello everyone!
Hope your Wednesday has been good.I have been coupon and freebie searching ,i will be adding some below,make sure you get your new coupons!
I have had the last few day's to myself mainly and got some cleaning caught up.The kid's have been with their mom since Sunday eve,.Wanted to get some yard work and gardening done,but it is soooo hot!I did manage to get a couple flower beds done.
Went to Bible study tonight ,only 3 of us came tonight,but that was ok there was some church bussiness that needed attending to ,so we discussed that.We are looking for a new preacher and with us being a smaller church,but celebrating the church being 150 years old this year!,it is getting hard to find a full time pastor.Here the babtist association keeps a list of all available pastor's to pass on to the church's when needed,There are only 4!This is sooooooooo sad.In a great time of need for people to hear and do God's will we are low on pastor's!We are all praying about this daily,as well as the need of our church.We are at a good point now where most everyone is unified as a whole for the growth of our church and have faith all will be fine.God will give us a pastor.
I got a circular in mail today for a free book.It ask ''have scientist's been wrong for 400 years?!Says sun circles earth,not earth circles the sun!!!! Anyway i enjoy reading sooooooo ,of course,i have to check it out..If any of you would like to look over this theory or get the book ,go to www.geocentricbible.com . Let me know what you think about this...
get a Kellogg's Special K coupon that is good for a FREE BOX of Kellogg's Special K crackers at Coupons.com. scroll through the pages at that site TO SEE ALL THEIR OFFERS... I found this coupon on page 4. The coupon is good at Target only, or at a store that honors competitor's coupons.
Several other good coupons are up so hurry on over!Remember to right click to stay here on page.
update in morning
Playing Mr. Perfect by Melissa Foster #review
4 weeks ago
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