Hi all,
Had a blast yesterday with Homecoming in Opp but paid the price last night!As readers know i went with son Darrell to Take Julie(wife )and granddaughter Charlie Mae to Birmingham to catch a flight to Phoenix Arizona.They went out to spend a couple months with Julie's family there.She moved here to Alabama when she and Darrell got together.I will so miss them both but i think on how Julie's family must miss them.I know they are so excited to have them both back for a while and Julie happy to be back with her dad and family.I miss you both baby but wish you such a happy time!Love you both...
Then after the trip (hours of driving) yesterday i had the homecoming parade to walk with Kolby's preschool class.They lined us up for an hour BEFORE it began in the sun!!!!Imagine that with 40 preschoolers...Any way by the time we started in the lineup,they were thirsty,hot,tired and needed to go to the bathroom!!!!
With all that a side,it was great!We had tattoo's on the face ,class shirts,decked in black and gold and a stroller decorated to match that held little summer!Floats,kids ,marching band,football team,cheerleaders and candy!What else does anyone need in a small town,,lol,
BUT...my poor back and legs are paying the price.Last night was terrible,have not felt that bad in a long time.Billy and Kolby came home with me and today they playing with Molly.She is our neighbor.Right now they are cruising the yard with their battery powered John Deere tractor.Those things are tough.Has a 7 year old,and 2 4 year olds on it's back and it is a couple years old.
Hope your weekend is going well have a blessed one!
Betty R~Starting Again
entered a few giveaways today,thought i'd share with you! Hurry over and good luck,,
prissygreen and her wonderful sponsor
myearth360 is giving away a package of Beeswax Tealight Candles, and a Ecoist Coin Purse of their choice. What a great chance!
Contest ends at 11:59pm EST, on 10/2. Open to US and Canada!
frugalrimama Giveaway: Macy’s $40 Gift Card up for grabs at
FrugalRIMama -ends September 27th
Before we know it ,it will be halloween!Have you decided on your costume yet?The kids?If not then
akblessingsabound.com can help you out!There is a super contest going on now until October 2nd,sorry usa only.So hurry on over and check out the available costumes at AnytimeCostumes.com and enter to win an infant, toddler, child or teen costume of your choice! All you have to do is visit Anytime Costumes and leave a comment with which costume you’d like to win! go go go! akblessingsabound.com click here!
Playing Mr. Perfect by Melissa Foster #review
4 weeks ago
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