Blessed morning everyone!
Are you like me and seems like more and more you get behind?I think it comes with age,i really do.Stress and health plays a large part too i know.The reason i decided to name this blog starting again is because over the past 10 years i feel i have started agin.I could make a book here,but no worries,i will not.
I have a 29 year old son,who is a certified termite exterminator as well as a computer whiz,and lead singer in a band and a bass player in another,He has went on tour with the bands around the usa several times and can play dang near anything he wants too.Loves the hippie look but at the same time,one of the sweetest guys you could meet(most is now the father of one of my granddaughters 16 months old,and with my precious daughter in law Julie!She is such a blessing to our family.I do love Julie!She is a wonderful partner for my son and the best mom i could ever have for Charlize mae.She is visiting her family in Arizona now with little princess and we do miss them.
I have a 27 year old daughter that could be a model if she had so inclined.She is very good at decoarating and arrangine things together,something i wish i had more of.She made some very bad decisions at one time in her life with meth,that almost cost her her kids.Through a hige struggle,determination ,God and family ,she has been clean now 24 months!Thank God.Her story is looking better every day.She is now very involved with her kids and school activities ,as well as the mother of 3 of my grandkids.Age 7,4,and 15 months.She has her hands full,yes....
When they were teens i met ,now hubby Jeff,along with his 4 year old that his mom dropped off at my house just a few short weeks after me and Jeff were dating.One of the reasons we went ahead and married were because of this.I believe a child needs the care of a mother or mother figure.Through these last 13 years Zacks mom would come in and out of the picture and his grandma just enough to make this little boys life a mess,full of lies and deceit.Even to the point of telling him we kidnapped him,etc,because she chose not too have anything to do with him for 2 solid calls,xmas presents nothing,and she lives only 15 miles away!!!!she chose her life,that did not involve raising a child,but would not let him be happy!Now at age 17 he has chosen to be with her and now is in trouble with the law for shooting out windows at her trailer park!!!!They have literally destroyed him and do nt care!I could write a book here on just this BUT,,,,and yes through the years we have tried using police,jail scares,church,juvinile persons and none could help us with him.So now,we have an almost grown son who you can do nothing with but pray!
Back to my grandkids,in 2002 Billy was born.By age 8 months we had him over half the time.Kolby was born in 2005 ,june,when he was 5 months old he was left with me for 5 months,most all time.Drugs had started now.He went back when she got clean at 13 months and then came back at 18 months and billy was 4 .For 15 months i did not hear from my daughter.Did not know if she was dead or alive!I would not wish this on anyone.She came back that october pregnant with my granddaughter ,2 1/2 months along ,and through a tough battle has got her life and kids getting along pretty good.She knows this is something she can never forget ,nor them,but she can keep it from happening again.Talk about stress and learning to depend on GOD! Yes prayer can help and get you through...Now the kids are with Rita and with me on weekends.I miss them while they are gone,but a well needed break when i know they are ok.Grandparents are suppose to be grandparents..not parents.We are missing out on a special role with our kids anymore.But i must say we are making bonds that we would not have any other way.So any of you starting again with grandkids you raise as kids,,I understand!There are so many women now that from just selfish,to drugs,to physical mental problems,don't keep their kids.Bless the little one's in this generation but aWARDS TO YOU ALL THAT DO STEP UP AND TAKE CARE OF THESE PRECIOS LITTLE ONES!!!!!!there are a lot of kids that even grandparents will not take...
So when i am behind,,,IM is the way it is!This is my life.. ;)
Have a good one readers and thanks for coming by..Leave me a comment..Is this your life?????
Starting Again~Betty R
Got too stop making a book,,,,So if i do get behing ,please forgive me.
Playing Mr. Perfect by Melissa Foster #review
4 weeks ago
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