2010 gardening giveaway!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!UPDAte""""thanks for all the entries and more giveaways coming!THE WINNER IS HELENA..SHE HAS BEEN EMAILED AND AWAITING CONFIRMATION,,,,,!!!!!!!!!!!!
1st up is Spider lily,aka lycoris radicus..My mind always goes to spring flowers when the holidays are over and one of my favorite flowers is the spider lily!
These are easy to grow and have naturalized here in the south,and are native to Asia,Lycoris Radiata is sometimes hardy down to zone 5 or 6 (be sure to mulch in zone 6 and lower).Most times they will bloom the following year after transplanting. They have green foilage in winter.
Plant bulbs in ground about 21/2 inches deep and in a few months you will enjoy the beauty of the red spider lily.You do not have to dig up each year they will go dormant and return the following year.They will reproduce more baby bulbs that you can replant,just dig up and separate..
When it gets ready to bloom a single shoot will come up about a foot and will form the spider lily on top.

It blooms in partial shade as well as full sun!
I have 6 adult bulbs to give away to start your bed!

wanna win?
simple entries...
1 entry-follow my blog,let me know u are
1 entry-follow me on twitter ,leave twitter name
1 entry-follow me on facebook leave name
1 entry-twitt this giveaway-leave kink to twitt...
1 entry-comment on any non giveaway post,let me know u did(can do twice!)
3 entries- add this giveaway to your blog and send me link
2 entries-add my button to your sidebar on blog and send me link(my button is on right)
thats 11 possible entries! good luck ..giveaway ends jan. 15th!
Happy New Year
I recieved no monetary compensation for this giveaway!
I'm following!
sphinxcw at aol dot com
I am following you with both of my blogs but I will take an entry for just buttons and bows.
Thanks for stopping by and letting me know about your giveaway.
Thanks so much.
You need to come back and enter my Country Bob's steak sauce giveaway.
I am following you on twitter.
I blogged about your giveaway and added your button into the post.
1 out of 3
I blogged about your giveaway and added your button into the post.
2 out of 3
I blogged about your giveaway and added your button into the post.
3 out of 3
Your button is in a gadget at the bottom of my blog with all the other buttons I have collected.
1 out of 2
Your button is in a gadget at the bottom of my blog with all the other buttons I have collected.
2 out of 2
I posted a comment on your It's cold`enter some giveaways with me.
I commented on Grandkids Christmas pics
Wow, they're very pretty! I'm a new follower, please enter me!
I commented on Fairy Tale Brownies review.
thanks guys,your all in!When i hit 20 entries more bulbs will be added!SO KEEP EM COMIN!
stay warm n God bless
I am following your blog now
i follow you on twitter @creep4ward
I follow on Twitter! natdey
coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com
Blog Follower!
I follow you on google friend!
I follow on twitter! http://twitter.com/melahelen
I tweeted! http://twitter.com/melahelen
#1 I blogged you - http://helena-agalneedsatleast2blogs.blogspot.com/
Cute giveaway!
#2 I blogged - http://helena-agalneedsatleast2blogs.blogspot.com/
#3 - I blogged http://helena-agalneedsatleast2blogs.blogspot.com/
#1 button on sidebar - http://helena-agalneedsatleast2blogs.blogspot.com/
#2 button on sidebar - http://helena-agalneedsatleast2blogs.blogspot.com/
I tweeted you today http://twitter.com/melahelen
I tweeted again! http://twitter.com/melahelen
Wasn't sure what to do....am still waiting for your e-mail @ daisydoo200@yahoo.com! Thanks so much!
CONGRATS HELENA and thanks everyone for the entries..more giveaways coming..Helena i have emailed check your spam box..
if you dont see it ,send me your name and addy to
alwaysatryin at gmail.com
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