Hi all,
Well it's another rainy night in south central Alabama with the thunder rumbling in the not so far distance.I saw the lightning flash a few moments ago,so it will be here soon.Maybe it won't be too bad.I do love the rain.I went with my son this morning,or better yet,he took me to pay my telephone and light bill.He came in last night about 8 pm and just stayed the night with us.I don't get to see him all the time now and that's still strange.He is 29 but he's still my boy!
We have always been close with very few problems in between us though the years.HiS dad died when i was 5 months pregnant so he never saw his father.He is a good guy.We went by and looked at some wireless microphones this morning also.He is the singer and also plays guitar sometimes in a band here.He has been playing since he was 13.He can play dang near anything he wants too really.
His fiancee and little girl charlie Mae will be flying back from Arizona Feb 10Th,they have been visiting her family since November.We all miss them but they need that time together as well..
If you want to take a second and check out the band,It is straight jacket 4 Nixon,here is the link!If you go by let me know and what you think..
well i got some of my yard cleaning and pruning done!Happy happy.lol..If it were just not sooooooo wet everywhere.I live on a decline and rain water drains from the higher ground on us for days after rain.So got to where the water never dries!I won't ever get my pond hole drained enough to finish digging.Oh well...side effect of loving the rain,lol...
The kids are doing great right now they went to fun land tonight and Rita text ed me that they were on their way home now.They went to enterprise.I am glad they had a good time.
Well the lights just blinked so i better post before i loose it. ;0
Have a blessed day everyone!
God bless
Betty R~starting AGAIN
Playing Mr. Perfect by Melissa Foster #review
4 weeks ago