remember to enter my giveaway and win some spider lily bulbs for your spring garden!It will be here before you know it,,enjoy and good luck!
click here to enter-ends jan 15th
Well it is 12:01 eastern time in south alabama and it is 34 degrees here deep in the wood's!The pump messed up this morning and did not kick on.Why?Not sure but the good lord just fixed that so i pray that doesn't happen again!I have left the pipes running for 4 days now and got about 3 days to go.Coldest it has been here in 1o years!I can remember when i was growing up we would have icecycles hanging off the roof sometimes days on end.Bout that way again! lol...
We avoided the sleet and snow here and just got rain,but it was a COLD rain.We watched it closely last night watching the Alabama /Texas ballgamne.Neighbor came up and watched it with us.ROLL TIDE!
That was a good game.I enjoyed it.lolBut then i am in bama....
My other neighbor who got laid off ,and has no heat,it here today.Laid back on the couch watching netgeo!I so hate when bad things hap[pen to people and they don't know what to do and i will help anytime i can.but i really don't know what to do for him but share heat.That's something i can do anyway.
Jeff went back to work today(thank goodness!).He just about drives me nuts at times.But that is another post!
Here are a few giveaways i found i wanted to share with you guys!enjoy
Have a blessed day.
Betty R~Starting Again
the old cupboard door blog=Ginger Give Away =ends the 23rd
theshoppingmama-win a zoobie pet!ends the 22nd
theshoppingmama-win robeez shoes for your little prince or princess!ends the 13th
Head over to whatscookingatdd and enter to win this tyson pack giveaway!Don't ya love tyson?My family does and this would be great to win! go now.
shoppingmama also has a flye baby to giveaway
ahensnest-win a coleman giftcard!ends jan10th
thanks to
the old cupboard door blog=Ginger Give Away =ends the 23rd
slice o heaven-win a gc to eco store!!
Playing Mr. Perfect by Melissa Foster #review
4 weeks ago
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