remember to enter my giveaway and win some spider lily bulbs for your spring garden!It will be here before you know it,,enjoy and good luck!
click here to enter-ends jan 15th entries are low,come on and enter.These lilies are beautiful and easy to grow!
I have been over at
babeelove's and she has several contest going on now!Get entered!
you can maybe win a
PatientStyle Anti-Microbial Socksend s1-07
and the
Baby's First Phone Call $50 gc - 4 WINNERS!! (1/5)
mommiesgotfivechildren THIS MORNING FOR THE FIRST TIME,BUT I AM NOW FOLLOWING SO I CAN RETURN.don't ya hate it when you come across a nice blog and then can't get back...That's why i follow blogs!I enjoy return visits! ;)
anyway readers she has a country bob's sauce giveaway!This stuff is good!Make sure you get entered...
Playing Mr. Perfect by Melissa Foster #review
4 weeks ago
Well, Thank you, thank you for the plug. Thanks for stopping by.
I wish you well on all of your entries.
God Bless
Thanks for the info! The Country Bob sauce sounds good! I think I need to eat some lunch! Haha!!!
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