Everyone else got to spend some good time together and a feast at dinner.It was a blessing to us all.Robert took the kids out to the pond and played a bit then mom went out there and they fished a bit.The wind and cool air held off until after 3~yes!!!!It was nice and warm with the sun shining brightly.I will share a few pics and thanks for stoppin in..Have a safe and blesses christmas season ahead.May you all find a place in your heart and life for our savior Jesus..our friend Jesus..May God bless us all...
Betty R~Starting Again
brother robert took the kids to pond..from lrft o right,robert helping grandson kolby, friend brendon,granddaughter summer and grandson billy

left to right
Jason(step son),son darrell,on steps nephew justin with his girlfriend(forgot her name oops..),daughter rita,friend stacey and his son below ,kyle age 15..

my mom with brendon and billy across the pond..she hadto fish a little with them..lol

and my dear daughter in arizona just sent me a pic of granddaughetr charlie mae she took so i get to add her also!thanks julie!

1 comment:
Thank you Billy for your sweet comment over at my place! I am so happy you are feeling better! I love all the pictures! Beautiful area ya'll live in!
Happy Thanksgiving!
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