good morning friends!
I am so happy to say that hubby finished my water lines last night and i now have how water back in the kitchen!We re ran all lines from hot water tank the only incomplete part is to the sink in the bathroom.He has to work 12 hrs. a day through thanksgiving so that means the water will be in there come Friday.I want to put new faucets in the kitchen ,mine are sooooooooo old,but we will see.With the lines running the floor corners AND our floor being cement...well lets just say it was a slow go.We will pour new cement back next weekend.I still have a mess but at least the water to the bathtub and kitchen have returned,and oh yes..the toilet!
But we have done it all ourselves so all it cost was the pipe and pieces we needed and time.So DIY people!lol
Are you getting ready to cook for thanksgiving or do you eat out?I know a lot of people are doing that now.We will all be cooking and meeting up at mom's good lord Will's as my grandma use to say.I am looking forward to that.I do hate that Jeff has to work that day but thank God he has a job.Stacey and Darrell are still job hunting .I pray they find one soon.
Ok i am off to blog hop a while i will add links below for you to visit as well it will be updated through out the day ..check back this evening and good luck on some giveaway entries!
have a blessed day!
Betty r~starting again
thefashionablebambino Maukilo – Toys Kids Play with Often – Giveaway Contest – $25.00 Gift Card ends tonight! hurry GIVEAWAY SPONSORED BY
countrycitymouse WIN!! $40 gift certificate from The Homestead Comany ends dec 12
while there look for these giveaways on left sidebar!
countrycitymouse-WIN!! Apron from Flirty Aprons!!
Win!! Magazine Subscription (US only)
WIN!! Girly Tube from Sparkle Plenty!
WIN!! Personalized CD
countrycitymouse-smelly washer giveaway enter now
lizzydearslife-Sleep Number p5 Bed Set-Ends 12-15-09
lizzydearslife leap-frog-tag-jr-giveaway ends dec 5
penelopesoasis-evenflo-triumph giveaway ends dec 28th
lizzydearslife=Step 2 Party-Time Kitchen-Ends 12-1-09
3kidsandus holidays made simple giveaway
holidays made simple thank you!
gummylump-stocked store give away!ends December 10, 2009
Playing Mr. Perfect by Melissa Foster #review
4 weeks ago
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