have not posted in a few days,sorry,but it has been a crazy weekend and beginning of week.I went to Rita's last Thursday to help with her yard sale ,so Thursday we got ready for it and then out of the blue,it pours!!!! everything had to be wrapped up over and over again...on and off rain.Now remember this also is trick or treat nights ...sooooooooooooo... yeah..i was glad when over although i really enjoyed it.The grands had a blast!Billy was Optimise prime ,thanks anytime costumes!,Kolby was red ninja,and summer was a sugarplum fairy!Charlize Mae is in Arizona with her mom visiting Julies family and she was snow white!They were just all so cute....
Anyway on to yesterday..The commode messed up.had to pull it up and put down a new thingy under it,now we have decided we may have to break the flask out of our cement floor and redo that!yea i know..
The tank on our well lost it's prime,and while re priming hubby leaned against the pipes and broke that,water is shooting everywhere... ;0
so what did Betty do?????
All i could do...Went Squirrel hunting...lol..Took my 4-10 and hit the woods with my 7 shells,yep all i had.Anyway.at this moment my 3 squirrel are frying with biscuits in the oven and gravy is in the making.That's what I'm talking about.Yes i am a country girl and proud of it and yes i only kill what i eat.Unless i see a poison snake or spider.Then it's all for their self!I will so be enjoying my feast soon.First one of the season,Jeff is at band practise so..I can enjoy me meal quietly and then get on to some giveaways!Are they not fun and when you win..woopee!I pray over my entries..God is soooooooo good ..Yes he is!I do not know what i would do without him.He is my rock...I MEAN THAT! I do love my father in Heaven and he loves me and you.I do hope you know him too.
ok..let me go eat and i shall return!
Betty r~starting again
frugalmommyof2girls always has something going on,now you can win a Dressable Talking Lola,end November 16, 2009 9:00 PM EST.

frugalmommyof2girls-win young scientist!ends nov 14th!
now u can win CitiBlocks at frugalmommyof2girls
frugalmommyof2girls-sweet leaf tea giveaway!
internet password organizer ,win it at frugal mommy of 2!ends tomorrow
mommy-momo-ReliOn Temple Touch Thermometer ends nov 19th
Cathy over at psychicmama has some super cool giveaways going on!Better get on over there and get entered ,tell her betty sent ya!
freebies4meandu win rummino!
this would be great for family night!
twoofakindworkingonafullhouseDremel 4000 High Performance Rotary Tool Review And Giveaway ends at 11:59pm EST on November 25th,,Thanks dremel
momsfocusonline(click here to win) and
frenchy baby organics have for us a French Baby Organics Dress Review and Giveaway ends nov 7th! hurry!
1 comment:
You went squirrel hunting?! That is so cool!!!!
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