I have my granddaughter Charlize Mae for a couple days so time on here is limited.. ;)Sleeping sweetly right now but soon to arise.lol.She is 15 months old now and such a blessing,all of them are.She and her mom Julie will be taking their trip to Arizona to spend time with Julies family the 16Th of September again and i will so miss them.They will stay about 2 months and return.Julie does this yearly and i think it is such a good idea.It gives her family time to spend with them as well as gives her and Darrell me time as i call it..
Julie is such a dear and i am blessed to have a daughter in law like Julie.Could not have asked for a better one,i do love her.
Kybo graded the roads yesterday and oh my!They are a mess..We love on a dirt road and yes we make Alabama red clay proud.lol..When it rain's it is a disaster.Not too mention the 4 wheelers and 4x4's that try and make it worse.I wish everyone of them had to live on the roads they mess up for a week and only drive a small car.Like a pinto ;0...
I do love Alabama,but the roads suck..Right now due to the economy they are limited to what they have,so no sand added ,rocks dropped.etc..Just red clay on hills and all.Several older folks and single women with kids live on my road so it is a mess for several of them.Most of us do have trucks,But......Red clay will win every time. ;)
Where do you live? Or you getting ready for winter?Halloween?I will be doing a couple reviews on some costume sites where you can buy online in the next week or two so be looking for that....
Reminder....Readers please stop panicking on the Swine flu...My whole family ,all 5 kids and us,have had it...It was less than a common cold!!!!!!Just take care of your self if you get it,take Tylenol,and drink plenty of fluids and a day or 2 of rest.You will be fine if you do not have underlying problems....Odds are better you will be struck by lightning than hurt by this....
God bless and have a great day.
Betty r
http://twoofakindworkingonafullhouse.blogspot.com/2009/08/50-visa-gift-card-giveaway.html win a 50.00 gift card..now here is something we can all use! ends September 14Th
http://www.citiblocs.com/ is sponsoring a contest there also where you can win a 52 pcs. set of blocks for the kiddies! enter here at 2 of a kind http://twoofakindworkingonafullhouse.blogspot.com/2009/08/use-your-imagination-with-citiblocs.html ends sept 14
http://oneboredmommy.blogspot.com/2009/08/dicks-sporting-goods-how-will-you-spend.html#comment-form win a 100.00 gc from dicks sports at bored mommy!ends august 29th!
http://oneboredmommy.blogspot.com/2009/08/southern-traditions-by-torrilynn.html win a beautiful tile necklace from southern traditions at one bored mommy! ends augustt 31
http://myweeview.com/2009/08/pop-art-toaster-5-in-1-tasty-baker/comment-page-12/#comment-77695 win a pop art toaster at my wee view! ends sept 1

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