Don't forget to enter my giveaway while here.A Kitchen set ,17.00 vaue, from Ecloths!
I took my little charlize mae back home and brought the boys do love the grandkids,they are a blessing.I will post a few pics of them soon.
AND...over the weekend i plan to do a blog''Remembering Katrina''.I will be posting a few pics we took while volunteering in DiBerville Mississippi and just remembering some of the people we met and the stories they told...stay tuned for that.
Have a great weekend and God Bless..
Betty R~starting again
Remember to right click on giveaways until i can get the links working correctly.They will not open in a page unless done manually..aaaagggg,,,
have a great Friday!
=============================================================== has a giveaway up for grabs to win Nature's Path Organic HUGE Breakfast Giveaway Giveaway will end on Friday 9/4 win some green grocery bags,2 winners! ends 8/31
Eden Fantasys Bedside Lovers Tool Kit Ends 9/2 ends 9/2 naughty naughty
First Day of School & a Giveaway!
American Basics is giving one Thrifty & Chic Mom reader a school bundle of 3 shirts including the new polo. To enter visit American Basics and tell me what item you love, leave your choice in a comment on this post. ends 8=30
Calafant Toys Giveaway
win a choice of 3 toys wina pair of umi shoes
====================================== ===
adding more now..check back!
Playing Mr. Perfect by Melissa Foster #review
4 weeks ago
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