Readers it is Friday again!
Update on the grands,billy tested positive for influenza A and was sent to state lab for test for swine flu.They are all taking meds in case it is and the other kids maybe will not get it.The main thing me and Rita did was too buy alcohol,hydrogen and Lysol for spraying and cleaning the house with.I think that will help as much as anything.
SO FAR....I am beginning to think this is a big media hype.I REALLY AM! 5 days in we have had some fever,not over 102 and easy to break,little irritable in the 4 year old,KOlby threw up twice the first night he showed being sick,and he had a restless night last night..Seemed to be dreaming a lot but no fever.Ok....I have to say here that we really have been praying over this a lot and the kids and us in general,we have also asked others for prayers...Has god put a hedge around us..or is this a lot of flu info scare tactics bologna?????I do know certain people ...hmm hmm ..will make millions off th so call medicine for it..preventive tamiflu..2 of the kids were put on that day before yesterday..BUT....there is no difference in the kids when compared!!!!ages from 13 months to 7 years and the adults included that were all around during fever time...And also ....This is the mildest ''FLU''i have ever seen!!!!
So i guess i will review this... ;)
DAY 1-7 year old test positive (the 4 year old who was throwing up and fever in the house,test negative! ;0 )
DAY2-No tamiflu at pharmacies in town and preschool class has all but 10 out with fever and such.7 year old runs 100 temp,4 year old a little ill.13 month old low grade fever below 100.13 month old receives tamiflu late that evening,also other 14 month old 1st cousin who had thrown up.
DAY 3- 4 Year old goes to school till lunch,school closes until Monday to clean and sanitize.All other kids are playing,eating drinking signs
DAY4-billy 99 fever,no signs with anyone else and kolby is now on tamiflu.Boys (7 and 4) come home with me last night.(i was staying with them because we expected a far worse problem with the kids).Ate and drink well,Kolby got 99 fever and i gave Tylenol .30 minutes later he is fine and wants to go for a walk!Kolby was a little restless through the first part of night but no fever!girls (age 13 and 14 months) are fine with tamiflu.
DAY5-This morning the boys are acting just like normal..Wrestling ,laughing and watching cartoons!
will update with any change,,,,
But at the moment i will have to say....
weak flu virus(thank god)
low grade fever at times
nausea at times,just a few
irritability and restless at night.
the ones on the tamiflu are no different than the ones who are not!So on that note let us move to Tamiflu....
Tamiflu is free or almost if you have medicaid or medicare...
it is 59.00 without anything.
for 3 people i spoke with with various insurance,high risk people..diabetics and lung problems.with their insurance it was still 47.00!!!! is that a i am afraid not!!!! Hey this includes mine... ;(
none of these 3 people had it filled!
so what do i think???
i did not get tamiflu and i have breathing problems and heart valve issues...
i have been with and around them A LOT before and after testing.I have had a few low grade fevers ,tad of nausea,small cough..nothing else...
Their mom also about the same -she is 27.good tamiflu....
My recommendation,for what it is worth......
I WOULD.....
open windows in house to air out as much as possible
disinfect with Lysol,add some alcohol to water in a sprayer and use that to clean with or use hydrogen peroxide the same way.....
wash hands at least 20 seconds a lot!!!!
cough in arm or hands but wash well immediately..
flush ears with hydrogen to keep flu down also..this helps and easy to do...
if you are sick and have to go out ,wear a mask while in public or to keep from getting it.
Put a note on door and ask visitors if they are sick to please come back when they are over it!!! ;) yes i do this and have a note says we have flu in house....
pray,pray, pray!!!!!
let me add this..There are people who have and are dying from this.It is caused from other complications,pneumonia,etc.a pastor here in town has a 7 year old grandson who just yesterday ,after 3 weeks,came off life support after getting swine flu.It can be deadly i am not making lite of it.Take precaution and watch folks with it carefully to make sure they don't get something else on top of it...This is the problem and if it happens make sure you seek medical care and demand the hospital do it's part!No mistakes can be afforded here......
overall i say we shall all soon find out that this was a big hype to sell the meds and take our attention off something are reform...or cap and trade careful and let us watch at all times!!!!
god bless and thanks for prayers....
Betty R
i would appreciate any comments and thoughts you have on this...
Playing Mr. Perfect by Melissa Foster #review
4 weeks ago
Wow, my friend! It sounds like you two are doing everything you can! I asked at the pharmacy cause they already have sign up for flu shots. I was told that regular flu shots for us here in Washington are starting NOW! and the swine flu shots will come later. On Coast to Coast am radio they interviewed a social scientist who believes the swine flu is a man-made bug being loosed on us for some reason. What is the world coming to???
Wow!I have not heard that.Thnaks for the info.I think the one's we have put in charge have went insane and blind to the caring of it's citizen's.I have come to believe the swine flu is a cover up for something else..If not why the big HYPE????
Glad to hear your daughter is feeling better.
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