Our Side of the Mountain ,http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5937578,would like to offer a lucky My Wee View reader any item from their store ENDS 8/25 click here to enter! http://myweeview.com/2009/08/our-side-of-the-mountain-item-of-your-choice/
have you ever been by grim visions?Looking for some creepy or spooky art? Then you will have come to the right place. Grimvisions creates some very unique one of a kind, hand made, original sculptures and figures.go by and have a look around.My son really likes this kind of art so if you or someone you know does,send em over and check out their etsy shop//
right now they have a Giveaway for the Skull Book Lights!
Contest Ends: Sept 13th 2009, 12 Midnight PST
http://allinamomslife.blogspot.com/2009/08/piggy-paint-giveaway.html all in a moms life is giving away a $25 gift certificate to Piggy Paint-http://www.piggypaint.com/shop.php . Piggy Paint sells non-toxic, odorless and kid-friendly nail polish and gift packs in adorable colors! ends aug 31!
she also has running 250 CUSTOM GREETING CARDS...ends 8/31
OLA LOA ...ends 8/31 http://allinamomslife.blogspot.com/2009/08/ola-loa-review-and-giveaway.html

Things mom likes always has some neat contest so go over and check them all out and enter!
Wooden Toddler Toys Review & Magnetic Trace A Letter Giveaway (9/8) http://thingsmomslike.com/2009/08/21/wooden-toddler-toys-review-magnetic-trace-a-letter-giveaway-98/comment-page-1/#comment-9632
also win this wonderful
Daddy’s Design Snoogie Seat.win it!
http://thingsmomslike.com/category/all-giveaways/ win a sweettttttttt candle!
All Children's Furniture Toy Giveaway win one of 3 great prizes for the kids!
http://3kidsandus.com/2009/promote-babywearing-with-a-sleepybear-giveawayb/ win a cute sleepybear at 3 kids and us!http://www.sleepywrap.com/ sleepywrap is the sponsor of this sweet giveaway...ends 8/31
win women of the bible!!! i would really like to have these and i know you would too..so head over to luxary reading and win! ends august 31
http://www.li-reviews.com/2009/08/21/li-reviews-giveaway-win-one-of-five-copies-of-cult-insanity-by-irene-spencer/ win a copy of cult insanity at li reviews! ends sept 6
also while there enter to win one of their other contest!
http://fantasydreamersramblings.blogspot.com/2009/08/anna-strong-vampire-chronicles-choice.html win one of 5 books =Anna Strong Vampire Chronicles !! hurry to fantasy dreamer ramblings -ends august 25th!
wanna win some really cool ugg boots??? with a 25.00 gc? I do and i know you would like to also..here is the deal....

**4BabyAndMom has been challenged!**they have been challenged to see if they could have at least 40 of their readers to enter to win- to which she rebutted and said she could have at least 50 readers respond!
If we get at least 50 people to enter- she will giveaway one $25 Gift Card to TARGET, WAL-MART or SEARS! along with the boots!
If 50 people have not grabbed the button by Monday, August 24th, the $25 prize will be forfeited, but you'll still be entered into the ugg boots giveaway.
so head on over,time is running out for the gc!!!!
enter now--> http://4babyandmom.blogspot.com/2009/08/just-reminder-4-more-days-left.html
several contest are ongoing over at pour some sugar !!!
win back street drawing game!
http://toomuchsugar4u.blogspot.com/2009/08/animal-planets-hippos-rhinos-with.html win hippos and rhinos dvd!! ends aug 25th..
http://healingwithjuices.com/2009/08/food-matters-dvd-review-contest/comment-page-1/#comment-5112 win a copy of food matters on dvd at healing with juices!ends august 27th!
while your there enter to win http://healingwithjuices.com/2009/08/detox-natalia-rose/comment-page-1/#comment-5118 detox for women!
win a 30.00 gift card from the good deal gal!!!! http://gooddealgal.blogspot.com/2009/08/30-kroger-gift-card-giveaway-mega-event.html ends august 24th so hurry!
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