Happy Lords day everyone..
i know some folks do this on Saturday but i really believe as long as you leave one day for him and acknowledge it ,That it is ok....
Tropical warning for florida guys.I knew when i got up the sky looked tropical.I say that living here in south central alabama ,just over the florida line,when a tropical storm is close.You can almost feel it.I love the way it looks right before one comes in and the way the air feels,but usually you know this heralds disaster for someone.Maybe not this time.Enjoy the way it looks and feels knowing it will not destroy someone or something.
Was looking at the other depressions bldg. and several look like they have the potential to do some really bad stuff. Will be watching them closely and i hope everyone in any of the paths do the same.Sometimes prevention is the major key in wheather you make it or not.I also hope everyone is preparing for the swine flu. As mentioned in last post one of the kids in my 4 year old Kolby's class has been diagnosed with it.I was looking on the maps they have for the diagnoses and they are so far behind!Hope you guys are not going by that.Be safe and be alert!Praying always....
have a great sunday and i will update with giveaways later this evening after Church and takng Kolby back to his mom's..
Let me know you came by and i shall return the visit!
Playing Mr. Perfect by Melissa Foster #review
4 weeks ago
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