good morning readers,
well the tropical storm cane in yesterday just to the east of us here in south central alabama and we got very little of the wind or the rain i am afraid.I was looking so forward to it as well.I love the way the air feels and the rain off the depressions.Now the hurricanes are a different story.I do not like them at all.For the ones of you who do not experiance these,it is awful.A very scary situation for days,sometimes weeks,before you can start clean up.Katrina and a few more were even worse.When she came through we were lucky here.Me ,my son and hubby went to DiBerville and Biloxi to help out there for a few weeks and it was the experiance of our life.I highly recommend any one who can to volunteer any time you are needed.It can change your life!
I am watching Bill in the ocean and hopefully it will go on out to sea and not leave devastation behind it.I am also closely watching the swine flu and all that is said about it.I am very concerned about the vaccination as well.There are way too many dangers associated with it .And farther more they are at this time testing it and it is suppose to be ready for us in a few weeks?????
Since when has testing been done in a few weeks?Please take time and research the virus and the ''cure''.people are dying from the vaccination as well...Check into some of the natural meds for this.I myself am trying the prevention method with hydrogen peroxide!I have a previous post on this right here . check it out.The kids were better last night and rita said she would probably send them to school today..i thank God for them being ok thus far and in the future.
Just be well informed on all of this....
i hope you enjoy the giveaways i list and hope you are taking time to enter them all.It will help you come christmas time!I enjoy entering as well.So if you see it,i have entered as well...Remember i will start mine in september...
Thanks for coming by and leave me a commet ,i enjoy reading them
Have a great day and be safe,
Betty R
===================================================== Wave Enviro Prize Pack Giveaway Go Green Week hEAD OVER TO A GIVEAWAY ADDICTED MOM AND ENTER TO WIN.sHE WILL HAVE 2 WINNERS AND ENDS= September 2nd at 11:59 PST
click here -->>
sponsor of contest is new wave enviro!
Giveaway addicted mom also has for you a splash mat for the little one!
click here >>> and sponsor is Mimi the Sardine ends September 1st at 11:59 PST
CSN is offering one of my readers a Naturepedic Organic Waterproof Mattress Pad in their choice of size (Queen, Full, Twin, Crib, Portacrib, Cradle or Bassinet) {ARV: up to $139!}
You do not want to miss this one! I know i could use it.. ;) is here and win at giveaway addicted mom-->> ends September 1st at 11:59 PST
click and win win shoes for the little one also! Nowali ends today! and Patch Products gives you the chance to win ''can do roo! click here... ends the 20th!
adding more giveaways now
Playing Mr. Perfect by Melissa Foster #review
4 weeks ago
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