Are you looking forward to the cold sprays of rain in winter?Snowflakes in the sky(not so many for us here in alabama),frozen ponds and skates?Busted water pipes and high heating bills?
I can feel fall in the air!The cool breeze gently blowing through the pines and the call of the coyotes at night while the moon shines down.There is a part of me that loves this time of year.I walk out and see the oranges,purples and yellows of fall's flowers that dazzle the eyes.Yes FALL IS beautiful.The leaves of the poplar,sycamore,popcorn tree and mulberry tree are beginning to fall.Soon the lifeless trees will adorn the view outside.Only my cedars and oaks are evergreen.The hummingbirds are beginning to travel on alongside the mockingbirds,bluebirds and other companions of the air.While the robin's,blackbirds,blue jays and more begin to filter in for their winter retreat here.The garden is dwindling and the color of the sage is a brilliant red now.Time to trim the flowering shrubs and I'll soon cut back the roses.I have a few bushes and little tree's i have marked that soon i shall go and get to replant here.These will supply fruits and berries to the grand kids and wildlife for years to come.Even the clouds have started looking fallish!But there hangs that almost sense of dread of a long cold winter ahead.No i am not a winter person i am afraid.I shall spend it looking forward to the shifting of the skies and the return of the jasmine and jonquils in march!Yes yes...With the exceptions of the holidays ,i shall dream of spring!
have a great day everyone!
Betty R~Starting Again
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Love your seasonal post! You have such a way with words, I felt like I was right there!
Fall is my absolute favorite season!
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