Me and Kolby went and picked up a few pecans after Billy and Jeff left this evening.We rode ver n the golfcart.On the way home Kolby reminded me that winter is just around the corner by reciting those words i really do dread.."it's cold nanna''!
NOOOOOOOOO Hard to believe summer has come and gone and here in south alabama we don't really have an enjoyable fall..It last a few weeks and the just yuk cold!So many things i need done before frost and i just dread it this year.We have a fireplace for heat and not even any wood gathered yet.Which i must say is not my fault,I have nagged all summer about wood when i see it to go ahead and get some and as usual..My husband procrastinates everything.From wood to wrapping pipes.....Was not so bad when younger but the older i get the more it is leaving a bad taste in my mouth!It will happen,as usual,rushed in a week when it HAS to be done!
OK,.,,,,,,,enough babbling!Although the venting is good. ;)
Christmas will also be here before we know it so get entered into some of the great giveaways on the blogs that are available....I have won some of these myself and i really enjoy visiting others blogs and catching up on what is going on with them@!So get a cup of coffee and lets visit a spell...Some really good one's are listed below....will add more here in the morning!sorry,but 4 year old will soon be reaDy for bed,and honestly,,NannaBee
have a great day!
Betty R~Starting Again
oneboredmommywe get to offer (1) Lucky Viewer the chance to win a "Svan" Scooter from Scandinavian Child too!ends oct. 16th..these are just too cool!
oneboredmommyLooking For A More Personal Alternative To An American Girl Doll For Your Daughter This Christmas?Then check out her giveaway!
My daughter
Playing Mr. Perfect by Melissa Foster #review
4 weeks ago
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