Wel looks like our rain (that i so love) came and went in like 35 seconds! ;o
nooooooooooooooo i was so looking forward to it this morning.I spose i may as well hush,the lord knows where the rain is going to fall and he puts it there.Not like we need more rain,i just enjoy it.lol..
Have you heard the news?The white House tried to censor Fox News from being able to be involved in an interview with the other news stations.I was glad to say the other major news stations said,No..If they are not allowed,none of us will come!Think about it.It may have been good temporarily for them,sponsors etc,But in the long run?That is going against our constitutional rights,theirs as well!Can not allow that to start happening!
Sad we have to stand up so feircely for our rights,Expecially from our president(that we as a people vote in) and the white house administration.Never let your guard down with this administration.We will get blind sided if we do not.
OK............ Got some giveaways ai want to add for you to go get hooked up with,help you out for the holidays.A lot of these giveaways will make nice christmas presents ..be adding more throughout the day!
Have a good one!Are you ready for Halloween?Kid's excited?Mine are,,They have several fall festivals to attend and counting the days..lol...
have a good one guys and Good Luck with giveaways..
Betty R.~Starting Again
momsfocusonline(click here) Kajeet – new cell phone for kids Review and Giveaway
Sanyo Katana Features:
Zoom camera
Parental Controls
Includes $5 of starter airtime for new accounts
wanna win it? better get goping ends,oct.25th!
momsfocusonline-click here to win! she also has up for grabs your choice of a pair of Jolt jeans!These are very cool..trying to win my daughter a pair of these!
Make sure you enter the other giveaways while there also!
Playing Mr. Perfect by Melissa Foster #review
4 weeks ago
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